Big Brother 16 Episode 2: Champagne Toasting and Hog Roasting

Now Big Brother has officially begun! We have all 16 housemates locked inside the Big Brother house; a house that is watched and monitored around the clock by the prying eyes of the public, so much so that it makes you feel like you work for the NSA.

Warning: the following photo may cause excessive vomiting and blindness.

While we had to once again put up with the intensely irritating “receiving keys” segment, I thought overall that Move In Night 2 was more entertaining than the first, and usually sequels suck. With all 16 housemates introduced we can now get to the proper part of the game – watching these people lie, cheat and back-stab all summer long. Oh, I can already taste the tears.


Victoria gets what Victoria wants, apparently. I can almost guarantee she won’t be getting $500,000 this summer. A self-confessed princess, Victoria has already declared herself as the most attractive girl in the house, *cough* Amber *cough*. She may pride herself on her appearance, but give it a fortnight and a taste of the block, and she’ll be slobbing out in her PJs on the sofa eating boxes of Cookie Dough.

Her pink dress might have attracted the eyes of current HoH Frankie, but I don’t think her prissy attitude is going to help her get very far in this game, and her performance in the hog roast HoH comp was feeble at best. Sorry Victoria, I don’t think you are long for this game.

Caleb, the metrosexual cowboy, which in my list of favourite kind of cowboys is just ahead of urban cowboy and slightly behind space cowboy.

He says that some days he’s got the boots on, and some days he’s got the hair gel in looking like Robin Thicke. The fact that Caleb thinks comparing himself to Robin Thicke is a good thing should surely set off alarm bells. Robin Thicke, a man that makes Woody Allen at a sweet 16 birthday party look like a respectable gent.

Even if we don’t take into account Caleb’s derogatory Instagram comments, I can still see him becoming a big hate figure of the season. He gives off major Hantz vibes, his style of play already comes off aggressive and confrontational, and his show-boating on the way to his HoH victory will do him no favours. His comp skills will only get him so far, eventually his target will become too big to ignore.

Brittany, the recently divorced, single-mum of three. What can we say about Brittany? Not a great deal. So far she seems nice, and she quickly bonded with Derrick over having children, but apart from that there isn’t much else to go on.

I did like during the dining table introductions how Cody and Zach went from happy when Brittany first started talking, to sad when she revealed she had three kids, and then back to ecstatic when she said she was single – that was some nifty editing by Big Brother. She does look fantastic for a woman that has pumped out three little humans.

Christine is great, she is a true fan of the show, is already married so we won’t have to put up with any boring showmance bullshit, and altogether just seems like fun.

Credit to PassThePaxil on Survivor Sucks.

We didn’t see a lot of her on this episode, although she likes to get naked, so we may end up seeing more of her than we bargained for, but what we did see was good. There were early signs of a girlmance with Joey, which is just pure love, I want them two to be BFFs so much it hurts.

Derrick says that people think he looks like a college kid but he is in fact a police sergeant, and therefore I hereby nickname him 21 Jump Street.

21 Jump Street says that his time working undercover will help him in the game, and during the meet and greet he stuck with his pre-season plan of telling his fellow housemates that he works in Parks & Recreation, rather than reveal his true cop identity. We didn’t see a great deal of Derrick, in fact we didn’t get to see much of the second group as we did the first, but he showed an awareness, such as his timing of throwing the HoH comp, that I think will bode well for him long term.

Zach, the unemployed college graduate whose best friend is his 10 year old brother, this guys reeks of coolness, right? He says that he lies every time that he opens his mouth, erm, didn’t you just say you were going to win Big Brother?

I still don’t hate Zach like I feel I should though. There is no denying that he is draped in douchebaggery, but there is something about his abrasive personality that I find compelling. The way he spoke to Frankie in this episode, mocking his high school roots and Broadway past, it was so cheeky yet kind of amusing. I’ll be keeping a close eye on this one, I think he could be fun to watch.

Hallelujah! It’s Jocasta. The minister and motivational speaker from Georgia. She can speak to Jesus, no it’s true, I heard it, she said “Hello Jesus”, and he said “Hiya Jocasta” in a sort of squeaky Elmo voice. Who else could it have been?

Credit to PassThePaxil on Survivor Sucks.

I’m really hoping Jocasta is religious crazy in a fun way, she seems it so far, she has a good energy about her. I’m also secretly hoping she performs on exorcism on one of her housemates, preferably Caleb, rid him of them demons.

Hayden 2.0 says that people underestimate him because of his long hair and surfer personality, but he got straight As in school and even made the Dean’s list. Hayden is a pedicab driver.

I like Hayden 2.0 though, he reminds me of Fabio from Survivor, just a very likable dude. I’m not sure if he’s ready for how cut-throat this game can be, he seems more concerned about his flower hats and comparing his fellow housemates to celebrities; he noticed The Rock and Devin similarity, and also said Amber looked like Whitney Houston, I sure hope he meant pre-crack habit. I think Hayden will do well in this game, he proved he could hang, quite literally, in the HoH comp, and he is likable enough to build up solid trust.


The new 8 housemates didn’t really show any sign of sticking together from what we saw. With the game already in progress as they entered, it immediately put them on the back-foot. They all pretty much realised that the first 8 have likely bonded, and so each of them took a more individual approach.

Pinky and the Vein.

Victoria and Frankie immediately bonded over all things pink, and Frankie wisely suggested that Victoria win the second HoH so they could work together. A good idea on paper, but Victoria soon proved that competitions aren’t her thing, and was first out. Frankie gets points though for being the first to open up proper communication between the two groups of housemates.

Paola and Caleb.

The best scene of the entire episode was the conversation between Pow Pow and Caleb, it was like two mafia bosses sizing each other up, albeit rather odd looking mafia bosses. There was an air of awkwardness to this talk, yet it revealed a lot about both players. It showed that Caleb is an intense individual who doesn’t plan on hiding his strengths, and it proved that Paola has her head in the game more than I initially thought. These two will clash sooner rather than later.

With 8 new players now in the playing pool it is sure to shake up those first night alliances, something Nicole is already sad about, poor baby.


With Caleb winning the second HoH competition, he joins Frankie in power, and Julie revealed this summer’s twist to the housemates. That the two HoH’s will each nominate two people, and then those two sets of nominees will face each other in a new comp called Battle of the Block, the winners will be safe and the HoH that nominated them will be dethroned.

I really like this twist, it is a big change to the format but one that should hopefully bring about lots of changes in game-play. It will also put a bigger target on the backs of floaters and so called weak players, as the HoHs won’t want to nominate strong players in case they win the Battle of the Block and save themselves.

The other twist, Team America, I’m not a fan of, however, the first person to be chosen by America to be part of their three person alliance is my current favourite, Joey, so let me put on my bias cap. If this twist has to exist, and Alison Grodner will make sure it does, then I’m at least happy that one of my faves has it. However, these twists often end up being a curse, and if Joey winning the Team America vote means she somehow gets evicted first I swear I will…complain on Twitter like never before!

I think we have a good bunch of housemates this year. I’m excited that it’s newbies and there are no returnees in sight. Right now the housemates are in the honeymoon phase, by next week I expect to have had fights, bitching, tears and tantrums. I can’t wait!

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Thoughts on BB16 Episode 1: Kicking Ass and Licking Abs

So we made it. Big Brother 16 is underway with our first 8 housemates safely locked away and under constant surveillance. But first, let me take a selfie…

I never knew the Chenbot was capable of such emotion revealing facial expressions. Julie Chen opened the evening’s proceedings inside the house wearing a sexy red dress like she was Liz fucking Hurley in Bedazzled; less Big Brother appropriate and more dinner date/sex night with Les Moonves. I guess she had plans after the show. Go get ’em Julie!

I always struggle with Big Brother premiere episodes because the whole housemates receiving their keys segment is so obviously set-up it is cringe-inducing to watch. “I’m going on Big Brother?! No way! That’s why this camera crew are filming me? I would have never of guessed!” Although Big Brother has never been a show that treats it’s audience with any sort of intelligence, that’s why they feel the need to have the housemates re-explain every single detail over and over again to the point of nausea.


Paola aka Pow Pow is a DJ from New York who clearly has the spirit of GinaMarie possessing her. You can so tell those two are besties; from the in-your-face New York attitude to the obvious stalker vibes she is sending the way of Cody California. She says she is planning to manipulate all the guys, even the ugly ones, so at least she’s into equal rights. After hearing Paola’s voice all episode, did anyone else start hearing Jenny Slate as Pretty Liz from Kroll Show?

I think Pow Pow has the ability to come across really obnoxious but she managed to just about contain herself on the first night. Yes, she was excitable, but that is acceptable somewhat when you first enter the house. She spear-headed the all girl alliance, El Cuatro, which sounds like some sort of Mexican luchador, and she already sunk her claws into Cody, day-dreaming of licking his sunscreen covered abs during the HoH competition – hasn’t anyone ever told her do not get sunscreen in your mouth?

Groundskeeper Donny, the soft spoken, bearded Southern gent. Donny described his typical day as waking up at 6am and eating a Pop Tart, heading to work for 8 and half hours, coming home and sleeping. Any man that eats Pop Tarts for breakfast is my kinda guy.

Donny is one of the more switched on players when it comes to the game of Big Brother, that’s why I hate that the producers feel the need to give him the country bumpkin background music during his segments. Why not give him a pair of dungarees and a fucking banjo while you’re at it? You might as well go the whole hog. Despite the show trying to portray him as Cletus from The Simpsons, Donny actually had a successful night, coming across as friendly and approachable, and finding himself in a couple of alliances off the bat.

Given the USA’s success so far in the 2014 World Cup, it is appropriate that former professional football player (I refuse to call it soccer, come on guys!) Cody is part of the BB16 cast. I’m not sure what league Cody played in, the Shirtless Football Association by the looks of it, or maybe his team just had severe budget cuts and couldn’t afford kits. I imagine this guy will spend the majority of the summer topless, turning him into Big Brother’s version of Ryan Gosling.

All joking aside, Cody is clearly a good-looking dude, so why wouldn’t he show off that body? Especially in the game of Big Brother where you have crazies like Pow Pow who I’m sure would sell out her all-girls alliance in a heartbeat just for one quick lick of Cody’s abs. Cody had a good showing in this first episode, he put in a decent performance in the HoH comp, and came across generally likable and easy-going. And he wasn’t wearing a shirt, did I mention that?

Next up is Frankie, oh wait a minute, I’m sorry…

There we go. I forgot which Grande was on the show for a second. Seriously, it took less than 10 seconds for Frankie’s first mention of his half-sister Ariana Grande, and the references just kept on coming, CBS even forked out the money to play one of her songs, I’m guessing it cost a lot more than “Default Country Bumpkin Music #1”. Frankie also described himself as the Queen of YouTube, err, once again…

I don’t want to feel the abuse of 16 million Ariana Grande fans though, so I best say something positive about Frankie sooner rather than later. In fact, Frankie actually impressed me on his first night, I’m not sure winning the first HoH this season was the wisest move, but he proved he can hang in the competitions, and seems to have people on his side. How he handles the power this week will be very telling how the future of his game pans out.

Amber is billed as this year’s athletic chick and says that she tells guys that they shouldn’t worry about her dad with a gun, they should worry about her. I think if the housemates should be worried about anyone with a gun this season it should be Derrick.

I thought Amber did pretty good on her first night, especially for someone that isn’t very familiar with the show. I reckon she will be the comp goddess of the season if her performance in the opening HoH comp was anything to go by, she kicked ass, although she needs to learn how to convincingly throw a challenge. I called her having the hots for Devin too, unfortunately for her, or maybe fortunately, Devin seems to have the hots for Joey…I didn’t call that!

That’s why they didn’t give Donny dungarees, they already gave them to Nicole, the blond country chick from Michigan. Nicole says that she is quirky and kind of has an accent, there is no “kind of” about it Nicole, you for sure have an accent. Nicole sort of reminds me of someone…

Credit to earthdog on Survivor Sucks.

Scarily similar! Nicole was one of the housemates I was most unsure of pre-season, I felt like she had the ability to become the new Jordan, but could just as easily be stand-offish and catty. Judging on one episode it seems she is more the ditzy Jordan type, and that could work out well for her in the long run.

Devin, the former professional baseball player and single-dad, who looks like The Rock and smiles like fucking Jack Nicholson. Seriously. That smile is creepy.  I wouldn’t trust this guy as far as I could throw Dwayne Johnson.

Devin to me came across as slightly slimey and too quick to form alliances. Creating the big 8 person alliance made sense based on the likelihood of another 8 people coming into the house, but the side-alliance with Donny merely hours into the game seemed very phoney. And he better keep his hands off my girl Joey!

Last but certainly not least is my pre-season fave Joey, the blue haired make-up artist from Seattle.  Joey said she is on the look out for any hot liberal men in the house, will probably end up hooking up with Caleb now she’s said that.

Credit to PassThePaxil on Survivor Sucks.

Joey had a good showing on her first night, bonding over hair dye with Frankie, the current HoH, and becoming part of the El Cuatro girl alliance, which in her pre-season interviews Joey said she was looking for. If she can keep up her fun attitude she could go far, but I sense a little naïveté with Joey, and once this game really gets going it could put her positive outlook on life to the test.


The Crazy 8s.

It’s only night one and already there are more alliances than even Brian Hart can keep up with. Sure it made sense for this first group of 8 to solidify an alliance, because it was quite clear there would be at least another 8 housemates joining them, but any of them thinking this is anything more than a loosely thrown together security blanket is kidding themselves. Plus Frankie nick-named this alliance The Crazy 8s, I’m guessing he hasn’t seen Breaking Bad, because [spoiler alert ] that is some bad foreboding for their lives in this game.

An alliance this big will never work, I give it two weeks tops before it crumbles apart. First night alliances are doomed to fail because it is near impossible to pledge your allegiance to somebody you hardly know and could possibly want to kill come week two.

Double Ds.

Smaller alliances, particularly those with just two people fair much better in the game of Big Brother, from Danielle and Jason, to Dick and Daniele, to Dan and Memphis. So although I don’t really trust Devin’s intentions, I think his secret alliance with Donny could prove successful in the short term, until one of them screws things up, and I’m betting on that being Devin. They are calling themselves the Double Ds, no not those kind of Double Ds unfortunately…

The third alliance of the night had a feminine touch.

El Cuatro.

Pow Pow took the initiative to approach Amber, Joey and Nicole and form an all girl alliance, naming them El Cuatro, despite Nicole having no clue what it meant. The idea of an all girl alliance in theory is exciting, myself and many fans of Big Brother have been begging to see a successful girl alliance for years, however, forming this clique on night one doesn’t fill me with hope. As Rob Cesternino has pointed out on his podcast, having a number in your alliance name isn’t the smartest idea as it becomes too exclusive, it means coming up with another alliance name if they were to add more members, and alliances with sub-alliances can often become too complicated and quickly disintegrate.


I was on on board with the two Head of Households twist, it should hopefully force a change in game-play and perhaps get rid of the stupid “vote with the house” mantra that often dominates the early portion of the game. The Battle of the Block competition between the dueling HoHs sounds intriguing and could potentially lead to some great moments throughout the season.

What I’m not on board with is Team America. Each year CBS pump up the amount of viewer involvement with the show, and that’s fine, Big Brother is an interactive show around the world. But the Team America twist, where the viewers get to choose three housemates to be in a “Team America” alliance sounds like a terrible decision that will lead to an excessive amount of manipulation.

Now, fair enough, we don’t yet know the full details of the Team America twist, but the way it has been explained so far sounds like it is a new version of the America’s Player twist, but instead of America controlling just one housemate, they will be controlling an entire alliance. If this means that America can decide who the alliance nominates and/or evicts each week then I fear we are in for the most rigged season since Big Brother 8.

That’s night one down. And we get to do it all over again tonight when we meet the other 8 lunatics willing to put their lives in the hands of the Big Brother gods.

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Big Brother 16 Cast Analysis

Another summer and another season of Big Brother looms ominously. While most of us are still trying to get the horrid taste of prime-time racism and McCranda stank out of our mouths, CBS is ready to unleash a brand new batch of future job-seekers and Beamly celebrities onto the American public. May Grodner have mercy on our souls!

As last year’s group of housemates cling onto their last Twitter follower, desperately holding onto any semblance of “fame”, it’s time for us to say hello to 16 new unwitting boys and girls that will fill our screens for the summer and become our new objects of love and hate…mostly hate.

Going into the Big Brother house is a massive risk, in a way I admire anyone that has the balls to put their life and career in the hands of the American public. After the season is done you could be anything from the proud owner of a Cat Lady™ gift basket, the subject of a schmaltzy YouTube tribute video, or the recipient of a thousand death threats, it really is a crap-shoot!

So let’s take a look at this year’s victims shall we?

Amber Borzotra, a 26 year old Esthetician (ie – works in a salon) originally from Knoxville, Tennessee.

This was the last Amber that was on Big Brother:

She was a religious nut that spent the entire summer in tears and coming out with nuggets like “God bless you God” during her non-sensical prayer sessions. Although she did have to live in a house with Dick Donato, and that’s enough to drive anyone crazy. But in comparison stakes, for the new Amber, surely the only way is up.

According to her CBS profile, Amber is most afraid of spiders (fair enough), snakes (understandable), and having to eat bananas (wait, what?!). Hey Amber, this is Big Brother, you shouldn’t be afraid of eating a banana, you should be more afraid of looking like a banana.

Amber’s favourite activities include kayaking, spelunking, and late night cow tipping (so clearly an animal lover!). Her life motto is “Shit could be worse”, and I’m pretty sure that motto is about to become truly tried and tested.

Scum Screen Verdict: Amber seems fairly fun and bubbly but clueless. She was recruited with very little knowledge of Big Brother, so I imagine she will struggle with the intricacies of the game. She is extremely pretty which can either be an advantage or a hindrance in Big Brother depending on the cast. Most likely to get into a showmance and be a pre-jury boot.

Brittany Martinez, a 29 years old Event Coordinator originally from Long Beach, California.

Another lady that shares a namesake with a former housemate, albeit spelt differently.

It will be incredibly difficult to fill the boots of the Queen of Snark, Britney Haynes, but on the surface Brittany Martinez doesn’t seem like she is there to fill that role, even though she does list Britney as her favourite housemate. Brittany appears to have been cast in the “Mother” role, despite only being 29 (MILF!), she has three children and is recently divorced.

The motherly role is usually filled by the likes of Kathy and Shelley, so Brittany makes a nice change. Her CBS profile says that she once faked labor to get out of a speeding ticket, maybe she could try the same thing if someone tries to nominate her?

Scum Screen Verdict: Brittany seems nice and caring but I don’t think she is cut out for this game. She was recruited two weeks ago in a bar, and much like Amber, it doesn’t appear she knows much about Big Brother. She could go far if she lays low, but I think this game will take a lot out of her. Most likely to cry reading HoH letter.

Caleb Reynolds, a 26 year old Adventure Hunting Guard, originally from Dallas, Texas.

When asked in his CBS profile what he would do if Big Brother made him famous, Caleb said “I would try my best not to turn into another Justin Bieber”. Well, he already has the racism controversy covered.

The show hasn’t even officially started and already Caleb has become the subject of controversy with comments that he made on his Instagram account, which can be read above, he is the user named “insain_physique” (I look forward to his attempt in the Veto Spelling competition this year).

It’s astounding to me how CBS and the casting department can overlook something which a quick Google search can spew up. Especially after the shit-storm that was BB15, you would think the producers would be much more careful with what type of person they put on the show. Unless this was premeditated and CBS want people talking. Racism = Ratings!

The most unintentionally hilarious thing about this whole mess is BB15’s Aaryn Gries’ tweet:

Not even on the show anymore and still putting her foot in it. Oh Aaryn.

Scum Screen Verdict: It’s going to be very hard not to judge Caleb more harshly than the others now, the Twitter backlash will make sure of that. He seems like a smooth-talking Texan that plans to get the ladies in his pocket, and that might just work. The biggest crime in all this though that nobody is mentioning is that Caleb’s favourite movie is The Notebook! Most likely to be unemployed after the season.

Christine Brecht, a 23 year old Barista from Tucson, Arizona.

Am I the only one that sees Gabe from The Office when I look and listen to Christine?

It’s not so much that Christine physically looks like Zach Woods, it’s more her general tone and mannerisms share similarities. I don’t mean to be cruel…who am I kidding, this whole blog was invented to be cruel!

Christine says her nickname is “Bubbles” because she is bubbly and eccentric, not because she resembles Michael Jackson’s former pet monkey. She once threw a surprise birthday party for a homeless man in a park, I wonder how she knew it was his birthday? And I wonder if she got all his homeless buddies to pop up from behind the bushes and yell “Surprise!”.

Scum Screen Verdict: Christine seems genuinely smart and likable. She comes across quirky and nerdy but her arms of tattoos give her an edge. She is a true fan of the show and if she can get into a solid alliance early on I could see her doing really well. Most likely to be the female Ian Terry.

Cody Calafiore, a 23 year old Sales Account Executive originally from Hackensack, New Jersey.

I keep wanting to call this dude Cody California, and I probably will from here on out. Cody says his favourite activities are going on runs, working out and going to the gym – Cody, a little time-saving tip, you could have just said “exercise”. There doesn’t seem to be much to the guy apart from being athletic and “nice”.

Scum Screen Verdict: Cody California is my hot pick to become America’s Favourite, he has that All American vanilla look that people take to, he’s good looking, and is probably a “super sweet guy”. Whether he makes a good player or not is another question, I imagine his game will be very competition focused. Most likely to become Jeff Schroeder’s man-crush.

Derrick Levasseur, a 30 year old Police Sergeant from Providence, Rhode Island.

Coming off the Survivor win of Tony Vlachos, a fellow cop playing another reality-gameshow is going to have all eyes on him, not that Derrick plans to reveal his job to his fellow housemates, he’s going to say he works in Parks & Rec, maybe people will think he’s Andy Dwyer. A quick Google search shows that Derrick has been involved in a fatal police shooting, which means he joins Chicken George, Shannon, and Toyah in the list of housemates that have killed somebody (Justin doesn’t count, that was just attempted murder).

Derrick has a wife and young daughter at home and claims he won’t do anything to embarrass his family – you do know what show you’re going on right, Derrick?

Scum Screen Verdict: In his CBS profile Derrick can come across quite arrogant, but in his interviews he is actually quite low-ley and self-aware. He sounds like he is knowledgeable about the game, at least compared to a lot of the others, and if he can stop himself from becoming domineering I could see him going far. Most likely to come up with an alliance name worse than The Moving Company.

Devin Shepherd, a 26 year old Harley Davidson salesman originally from Santa Barbara, California.

I’m not sure why this guy was cast, he seems even more bland than Cody California, and that dude was already approaching Coldplay levels of bland. Devin is a former pro baseball player who retired after having a daughter; much like Brittany and Derrick he seems very family orientated, so that could be an alliance in the making right there, the “Abandon Our Kids For The Summer” alliance.

Scum Screen Verdict: Again, I’m sure Devin is a really nice guy, he’s obviously a family man and seems very compassionate but nothing particularly stands out. I could see him getting into a showmance with Amber who says she likes “pretty people”, in his interviews he seemed open to a showmance. Most likely to rip Caleb’s head off.

Donny Thompson, a 42 year old School Groundskeeper from Albemarie, North Carolina.

When I first saw that photo of Donny and then read on his CBS profile that he works as a School Groundskeeper and has lived alone for 21 years, I’m not going to lie, I was getting major Yellow King vibes. We’re in Carcosa now!

But Donny actually seems very good-natured and down-to-earth, if not a little bewildered and out of his element. He had never been on a plane until the casting process for Big Brother started and has never left his state. Coming into the Big Brother house with a bunch of fame-hungry lunatics is certainly one way to spend your first ever vacation. I prefer Disney Land.

Scum Screen Verdict: I see things going one of two ways for Donny, either everybody will love him and his laidback attitude and he will make it deep in the game, possibly used as a frequent pawn. Or he will creep everybody out and become an easy scape-goat. Most likely to shave off facial hair in Veto Competition.

Frankie Grande, a 31 year old YouTube Personality originally from Boca Raton, Florida.

Anyone that lists their occupation as “YouTube Personality” might as well be wearing a huge badge that says “I’m an annoying attention seeker”, unless you’re Jenna Marbles, then you get a free pass, because you’re Jenna fucking Marbles.

But then again, it is understandable why Frankie would crave attention given that his sister is Ariana Grande. Now, I have to admit, I don’t really know who Ariana Grande is, she is one of those things that I know exists but I’m not particularly sure why, like wind charms or baby carrots. I am a 25 year old dude from England though, so maybe I’m not her target audience. However, this Ariana Grande person apparently has a huge fanbase which I’m sure will help Frankie should America get to make any decisions regarding the game.

Scum Screen Verdict: Frankie is probably going to be very popular with America, at least initially, but he could rub his housemates up the wrong way if he comes in all guns blazing. But with that said, Frankie is a genuine fan of the show and appears to have a grasp of the game, I expect him to play things quite smart and he could make a deep run. Most likely to accessorise a unitard.

Hayden Voss, a 21 year old Pedicab Driver originally from Marlborough, Massachusetts.

Someone must be taking the piss, surely? Not only do we have another housemate called Hayden, but his surname is almost exactly the same as former Big Brother 12 winner Hayden Moss…meet Hayden Voss. Ridiculous.

I’m not quite sure this long-haired, skateboarding, Pedicab Driver instills me with the same kind of confidence that Hayden 1.0 did, but I’m willing to give him a chance. Hayden 1.0 not only won Big Brother in dominating fashion but he made a deep run on Survivor too. Hayden 2.0 has a lot to live up to.

Scum Screen Verdict: Hayden 2.0 says he can switch the “surfer dude” persona on and off, and I think if he can manage to do that successfully then he could play his fellow housemates really well. I just fear that Hayden 2.0 isn’t quite as cunning as he likes to think, and he will find himself talking to Julie pre-jury. Most likely to pee in the pool.

Jocasta Odom, a 33 year old Minister originally from Griffin, Georgia.

Finally, our potential religious nut of the season! Although Jocasta says that she is willing to swear on the Bible to win Big Brother, so maybe she won’t be as militant as previous Jesus lovers that have appeared on the show. In fact, Jocasta looks to be very upbeat and willing to get stuck in. She describes herself as intelligent and outspoken, so I can see her getting into confrontations in the house, which is great for us viewers.

Scum Screen Verdict: Being the oldest woman in the house may be a disadvantage for Jocasta, especially with the younger Brittany already filling the “Mother” role. If she can stay quiet the first couple of weeks I can see her getting in good with an alliance or maybe being a potential swing vote, but if she is targeted early I could see her exploding. Most likely to hold Bible Study group in Have Not room.

Joey Van Pelt, a 27 year old Make-up Artist from Seattle, Washington.

Potential Goddess Alert! Joey is by far my pre-season fave, so if she turns into a monster by the second week I will take the hit hard! Joey is the most naturally funny of all the newbies in her interviews, she comes across fun-loving and caring and doesn’t take herself too seriously. She also has funky hair – although the last Big Brother chick that had short, spiky, colourful hair turned into this…

Joey’s worst fear about living in the Big Brother house is having to poop with men around, Joey, trust me, there are going to be a lot more nasty, stanky things happening in that house, taking a poop will be a breeze. She also wants to create an all female alliance, that is a big ask but I’m all for it, a girl version of the Brigade?

Scum Screen Verdict: I love Joey. I have a friend from Seattle and I can see similarities in their mannerisms and personality. If she stays true to herself then I can see her becoming one of America’s favourite housemates, but her lack of knowledge regarding Big Brother makes me think she can’t win the show. Most likely to lead a female housemate revolution.

Nicole Franzel, a 21 year old Recent Nursing Graduate from Ubly, Michigan.

I feel like I should find Nicole super adorable, but I’m not quite sold just yet. She reminds me of the kind of girl that would fake an eye-test just so she could be prescribed hipster glasses. Her accent is pretty great though, it’s like something out of Fargo. She describes herself in her CBS profile as nerdy and flirty, and seemingly has the hots for Big Brother 14 winner Ian Terry, whatever floats your boat!

Scum Screen Verdict: The jury is still out with Nicole, she could quite easily be the new Jordan, cute and rootable. Or she could become the catty, jealous type – she says she doesn’t really get along with girls, and her interview with Rachel was kind of awkward. Most likely to destroy an all female alliance from the inside out.

Paola Shea, a 27 year old DJ originally from East Hampton, Connecticut.

The thing that scares me about Paola is that she is friends with BB15’s resident loudmouth GinaMarie, so lord knows what she has in store for us. Is this another misguided casting choice by CBS? Or are they looking for another crazy-pants? I wonder if she’ll find her Nick?

Paola says her strategy for winning Big Brother is to not to be herself as much, so at least she is aware that she can come across irritating. And when asked what she would do if Big Brother made her famous, she says she hopes it would help her gain more social media followers – hey Paola, more Twitter followers is what “Big Brother fame” means, so I think you’ll achieve that one comfortably.

Scum Screen Verdict: Paola seems like a little bundle of energy who could prove quite adept at this game if she can reign in her personality somewhat. As well as a DJ she is a top ranked female gamer, combine this with the modelling career and you have quite the deadly combination. Most likely to get drunk on the first night.

Victoria Rafaeli, a 22 year old Photographer from Brooklyn, New York and Holon, Israel.

Although Donny the bearded wonder-man looks the most out of his depth judging by looks, I feel that Victoria may actually be the most lost upon entering the house. She says in her CBS profile that she is more familiar with her home country Israel’s version of Big Brother than the US one, and the format’s are very different, so who knows how she will take to the more cut-throat US game.

Scum Screen Verdict: Despite not having much knowledge of the game, Victoria seems prepared to lie and manipulate, but I can’t help but feel she is going to be majorly out of her comfort zone and people will use this to target her early on. Most likely to be first evicted.

Zach Rance, a 23 year old Recent Economics Graduate from Palm Beach, Florida.

Here is our white male “gamer” of the season. Zach looks to pride himself on being a supreme douche if his interviews are anything to go by, and they are. His arrogance is through the roof, the smarm is turned on full blast, and worst of all, his favourite player of all time is Mike Boogie.

However, I don’t fully hate Zach, even though I feel I should, but I think he wants me to hate him. I could be wrong (shocking, I know!), but to me it seems that Zach is putting on a persona, one he probably played up since his first audition and one that earned him a spot in the house. I think we will see a very different Zach once inside the house, and if he is as good as he claims to be, he might just have some game.

Scum Screen Verdict: Zach has clearly been cast as the “strategist” of the season, time will tell whether he becomes the new Dan Gheesling or the new Matt Hoffman. I think there is more to him than meets the eye. Most likely to shout in the Diary Room.

So there you have it, 16 brand new strangers for us to pick apart and destroy for the next 3 months. Let the fun and games begin!