Big Brother 16 Episode 2: Champagne Toasting and Hog Roasting

Now Big Brother has officially begun! We have all 16 housemates locked inside the Big Brother house; a house that is watched and monitored around the clock by the prying eyes of the public, so much so that it makes you feel like you work for the NSA.

Warning: the following photo may cause excessive vomiting and blindness.

While we had to once again put up with the intensely irritating “receiving keys” segment, I thought overall that Move In Night 2 was more entertaining than the first, and usually sequels suck. With all 16 housemates introduced we can now get to the proper part of the game – watching these people lie, cheat and back-stab all summer long. Oh, I can already taste the tears.


Victoria gets what Victoria wants, apparently. I can almost guarantee she won’t be getting $500,000 this summer. A self-confessed princess, Victoria has already declared herself as the most attractive girl in the house, *cough* Amber *cough*. She may pride herself on her appearance, but give it a fortnight and a taste of the block, and she’ll be slobbing out in her PJs on the sofa eating boxes of Cookie Dough.

Her pink dress might have attracted the eyes of current HoH Frankie, but I don’t think her prissy attitude is going to help her get very far in this game, and her performance in the hog roast HoH comp was feeble at best. Sorry Victoria, I don’t think you are long for this game.

Caleb, the metrosexual cowboy, which in my list of favourite kind of cowboys is just ahead of urban cowboy and slightly behind space cowboy.

He says that some days he’s got the boots on, and some days he’s got the hair gel in looking like Robin Thicke. The fact that Caleb thinks comparing himself to Robin Thicke is a good thing should surely set off alarm bells. Robin Thicke, a man that makes Woody Allen at a sweet 16 birthday party look like a respectable gent.

Even if we don’t take into account Caleb’s derogatory Instagram comments, I can still see him becoming a big hate figure of the season. He gives off major Hantz vibes, his style of play already comes off aggressive and confrontational, and his show-boating on the way to his HoH victory will do him no favours. His comp skills will only get him so far, eventually his target will become too big to ignore.

Brittany, the recently divorced, single-mum of three. What can we say about Brittany? Not a great deal. So far she seems nice, and she quickly bonded with Derrick over having children, but apart from that there isn’t much else to go on.

I did like during the dining table introductions how Cody and Zach went from happy when Brittany first started talking, to sad when she revealed she had three kids, and then back to ecstatic when she said she was single – that was some nifty editing by Big Brother. She does look fantastic for a woman that has pumped out three little humans.

Christine is great, she is a true fan of the show, is already married so we won’t have to put up with any boring showmance bullshit, and altogether just seems like fun.

Credit to PassThePaxil on Survivor Sucks.

We didn’t see a lot of her on this episode, although she likes to get naked, so we may end up seeing more of her than we bargained for, but what we did see was good. There were early signs of a girlmance with Joey, which is just pure love, I want them two to be BFFs so much it hurts.

Derrick says that people think he looks like a college kid but he is in fact a police sergeant, and therefore I hereby nickname him 21 Jump Street.

21 Jump Street says that his time working undercover will help him in the game, and during the meet and greet he stuck with his pre-season plan of telling his fellow housemates that he works in Parks & Recreation, rather than reveal his true cop identity. We didn’t see a great deal of Derrick, in fact we didn’t get to see much of the second group as we did the first, but he showed an awareness, such as his timing of throwing the HoH comp, that I think will bode well for him long term.

Zach, the unemployed college graduate whose best friend is his 10 year old brother, this guys reeks of coolness, right? He says that he lies every time that he opens his mouth, erm, didn’t you just say you were going to win Big Brother?

I still don’t hate Zach like I feel I should though. There is no denying that he is draped in douchebaggery, but there is something about his abrasive personality that I find compelling. The way he spoke to Frankie in this episode, mocking his high school roots and Broadway past, it was so cheeky yet kind of amusing. I’ll be keeping a close eye on this one, I think he could be fun to watch.

Hallelujah! It’s Jocasta. The minister and motivational speaker from Georgia. She can speak to Jesus, no it’s true, I heard it, she said “Hello Jesus”, and he said “Hiya Jocasta” in a sort of squeaky Elmo voice. Who else could it have been?

Credit to PassThePaxil on Survivor Sucks.

I’m really hoping Jocasta is religious crazy in a fun way, she seems it so far, she has a good energy about her. I’m also secretly hoping she performs on exorcism on one of her housemates, preferably Caleb, rid him of them demons.

Hayden 2.0 says that people underestimate him because of his long hair and surfer personality, but he got straight As in school and even made the Dean’s list. Hayden is a pedicab driver.

I like Hayden 2.0 though, he reminds me of Fabio from Survivor, just a very likable dude. I’m not sure if he’s ready for how cut-throat this game can be, he seems more concerned about his flower hats and comparing his fellow housemates to celebrities; he noticed The Rock and Devin similarity, and also said Amber looked like Whitney Houston, I sure hope he meant pre-crack habit. I think Hayden will do well in this game, he proved he could hang, quite literally, in the HoH comp, and he is likable enough to build up solid trust.


The new 8 housemates didn’t really show any sign of sticking together from what we saw. With the game already in progress as they entered, it immediately put them on the back-foot. They all pretty much realised that the first 8 have likely bonded, and so each of them took a more individual approach.

Pinky and the Vein.

Victoria and Frankie immediately bonded over all things pink, and Frankie wisely suggested that Victoria win the second HoH so they could work together. A good idea on paper, but Victoria soon proved that competitions aren’t her thing, and was first out. Frankie gets points though for being the first to open up proper communication between the two groups of housemates.

Paola and Caleb.

The best scene of the entire episode was the conversation between Pow Pow and Caleb, it was like two mafia bosses sizing each other up, albeit rather odd looking mafia bosses. There was an air of awkwardness to this talk, yet it revealed a lot about both players. It showed that Caleb is an intense individual who doesn’t plan on hiding his strengths, and it proved that Paola has her head in the game more than I initially thought. These two will clash sooner rather than later.

With 8 new players now in the playing pool it is sure to shake up those first night alliances, something Nicole is already sad about, poor baby.


With Caleb winning the second HoH competition, he joins Frankie in power, and Julie revealed this summer’s twist to the housemates. That the two HoH’s will each nominate two people, and then those two sets of nominees will face each other in a new comp called Battle of the Block, the winners will be safe and the HoH that nominated them will be dethroned.

I really like this twist, it is a big change to the format but one that should hopefully bring about lots of changes in game-play. It will also put a bigger target on the backs of floaters and so called weak players, as the HoHs won’t want to nominate strong players in case they win the Battle of the Block and save themselves.

The other twist, Team America, I’m not a fan of, however, the first person to be chosen by America to be part of their three person alliance is my current favourite, Joey, so let me put on my bias cap. If this twist has to exist, and Alison Grodner will make sure it does, then I’m at least happy that one of my faves has it. However, these twists often end up being a curse, and if Joey winning the Team America vote means she somehow gets evicted first I swear I will…complain on Twitter like never before!

I think we have a good bunch of housemates this year. I’m excited that it’s newbies and there are no returnees in sight. Right now the housemates are in the honeymoon phase, by next week I expect to have had fights, bitching, tears and tantrums. I can’t wait!

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